Your greatest cyber risk?

Not being prepared.
Woman at laptop

Cyber liability at Liberty Mutual Canada

Without the right insurance protection, responding to an event could be devastating to a company’s finances and reputation. Our cyber liability solution helps protect companies against a variety of network security and privacy exposures resulting from data breaches and other cyber events.

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10 ways cyber risks threaten businesses

The following Risk Matrix, produced by the editorial team at Risk & Insurance®, highlights the likely impact and frequency of 10 factors that emerge from today’s cyber risks.

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5 things business leaders must know about the cybercrime menace

How has cybercrime changed, and what is causing companies from Main Street to the Fortune 500 to explore cyber insurance? This blog explains the threat and five takeaways—and tips—that will help business leaders take proper action.

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Looking for cyber coverage?

Our cyber coverage provides critical protection for your time, money, and valued customer relationships in case of a data breach or other cyber event.

Liberty Mutual Canada™ is the registered business name under which the Canadian branch of the Liberty Mutual Insurance Company operates in Canada. This literature is a summary only and does not include all terms, conditions, or exclusions of the coverage described. Please refer to the actual policy language for complete details of coverage and exclusions.