Professionals who manage employee benefit plans face enormous responsibilities and unique risks.
Our Fiduciary Liability insurance offers a crucial layer of protection for directors, officers, and other fiduciaries, as well as for the plans they’re entrusted to oversee.
For companies based in Canada or internationally, public or private, offering single- or multi-employer plans, our Fiduciary Liability coverage will help protect the plans you manage and the trust employees have placed in you.
A protective partnership
Solutions for complex risks
Our Fiduciary Liability policy offers insurance coverage for fiduciaries and administrators of pension and welfare benefit plans, including multi-employer plans. By tailoring products for both single and multi-employer pension and welfare benefit plans, paired with the ability to insure large U.S. and international based pension and welfare plans, we have a solution for you.
Target classes
Private and publicly listed companies with a strong management team and a solid financial track record.
Policy highlights
- No minimum deductible
- Definition of plan includes any pension plan in Canada, the United States, or elsewhere
- Definition of loss amended to include ERISA penalties, punitive, exemplary, taxes available by endorsement
- Definition of wrongful act amended to include settlor acts available by endorsement
- Ability to offer multi-year terms for certain accounts, up to 3 years, with new limits every year and installment premium due annually
Our difference
- Capacity to handle large pension and welfare benefit plans
- Ability to offer run-off for up to 10 years “run-off” coverage if the Sponsor is sold
- Ability to customize/tailor coverage to meet specific needs and provide continuity of coverage
- Ability to cover US and international plans including ability to offer local policies to comply with local insurance regulations in 50 countries, including the US, EU, South America, and Asia
- Underwriters with the ability to correspond in languages other than English, including French
Liberty Mutual Canada™ is the registered business name under which the Canadian branch of the Liberty Mutual Insurance Company operates in Canada. This literature is a summary only and does not include all terms, conditions, or exclusions of the coverage described. Please refer to the actual policy language for complete details of coverage and exclusions.